Sunday, December 7, 2014

5 Tips to Easily Learn Human Anatomy and Physiology

1. Focus more on the basics.
   The human anatomy in itself is a very wide subject matter. A beginning student nurse should focus more on the basic before going into the details of one particular system. For example, in studying the cardiovascular system, you should first know the placement of the heart and how the blood flows from one chamber to the next. The better you understand the basic structures, the more easier it is for you to understand the more complex ones.

2. Use your imagination.
   When reading a particular topic, imagine how the process works and associate it with common day to day things. Let’s use the kidney as an example. You can imagine the kidney as the strainer in your kitchen. What goes out of the strainer are things that can pass through its small holes. Fluids can pass right? Same goes with the permeability of the glomerulus in your kidneys.

3. Look in front of the mirror.
   When memorizing different parts of your body, try using yourself as a live example. Look in front of the mirror and point out the parts that you are studying. That way, you are not only learning but you are also applying your knowledge. A good examples here is when you study the 9 regions of the stomach, or different proximal to distal structures, muscle groups and so on.

4. Watch animation videos on the internet.
   The internet has tons of animated videos regarding human anatomy and physiology. Watching an educational flick stimulates not only your sense of sight but also your hearing and thus better learning. Additionally, you do not need to guess and imagine the body structure and process since it is already presented in the video.

5. Answer free online quizzes.

   Through answering questions you stimulate your mind more to recall important topics. Recall is very important in anatomy and physiology since it is the basic foundation of your medical-surgical nursi
ng. There are also interactive games available in the web and app stores that let you label different anatomical locations of the body. You will not only learn but you’ll be able to enjoy your study time too.

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